Tuesday, January 27, 2009


I have been a leader in some form my whole life. If you think about it, everyone is and has been a leader, and whether they know it or not, they always will be a leader.

The older I get, the more I read, and learn about leadership, the more I realize that I am my own leader first. I must choose to lead my life, not just live it. Think about how powerful that is. I read that from John Maxwell in “Leadership Gold”. Great stuff. What I enjoy about John’s writing is that he is constantly learning and growing and ultimately he changes what & how he writes about leadership.

Perry Hurth, team lead at Keller Williams Realty, came to my good friend/biz partner Jorin and I with this great idea of taking John’s monthly message and creating a learning environment for other professionals to get together and listen to John’s message on leadership via his Maximum Impact program. Seems really simple. We had over 40 people showing up for a while, then it dropped off to about 20 where it is now and we have been doing this for over a year now. Each month we ask ourselves why more people would not take advantage of this free opportunity to learn from John Maxwell on Leadership. Are they too busy? Do they already know this stuff? Do they subscribe and get it that way? Are they on another program?

A big part of me thinks that they have an understanding of how to be an effective leader and would rather spend that one hour doing something else. Instead of pushing themselves a little harder and analyzing themselves a little more critically, they would rather do something that does not challenge them. I can tell you that they will be challenged anyway, whether personally or professionally.

It is not for me to decide why they do not attend. We are not offering this to people for our benefit, we do it for them. We are not offering it for profit, we do it because most people are not taking an hour a month for self development, let alone daily. We want to help our community and its future leaders. We want to give first, Perry is so good at that philosophy. He is always all about how can we provide more benefit to them. It is never about himself heis leading by example every single day.

Leadership is not about me. It is about them. A leader is demanding and has high expectations. Those expectations are for themselves first, then their expectations turn to them. They probably have higher expectations for them, than they do for themselves. A leader is also caring and compassionate. We care about people and the decisions we make and how they may affect people. What we cannot control is how those expectations are received. At the end of the day you must ask yourself, “Would I hire myself today or fire myself today?” Don’t wait for someone else to tell you that. Will you make a difference every day? Will you do your very best every day? Will you hire yourself every day? Can you be that critical of yourself? If you provide the right leadership to yourself, you be automatically be inspired to have a super fantastic day, and make a difference.

So, lead your life. Lead your BEST LIFE. Don’t settle or just live. Be a constant student of people who are great leaders. Take on more responsibility to lead. Not for your benefit, for theirs. Don’t wait for the economy to change. Don’t wait for the weather to break. Don’t make excuses. Choose to take charge and take responsibility for everything.

Sit down and write out how you want to lead your life:

What do I want to do?
What do I want to be?
Where do I want to go?
What do I want to see?
What do I want to have?
With whom do I want to share?

Guess who I got that from? Yep, Jim Rohn.

Most of us will not take the time to do the exercise and then sit down and start the daily habits necessary to lead the life you are dreaming of, or admiring, or jealous of. Just like eating that apple a day.

Don’t criticize, condemn, complain, or whine.

Lead your life,

Steve Aune

Tuesday, January 20, 2009


On this Historic Day where we swore in our new President, I see, hear, and read, about all of the people that believe that now that we have a new President, they will be happy, better off, inspired to do more.

What’s up with that? I’ve never let anyone dictate my happiness, success, or inspiration.

I know what you are thinking, I must be a Republican. Doesn’t matter. In my opinion Government is supposed to protect me so that I can live the life I choose to live. Government provides ground rules for living and doing business. Government should never be the answer to your inspiration. If it is, take a really hard look at yourself and decide to hold yourself accountable for EVERYTHING! I choose to have an abundance attitude toward life!

Sure Government can do a lot of good, especially ours. However the private sector does WAY more good for those in need, those less fortunate, research, etc. WAY more.

Inspiration is such a powerful word. Definition:

Stimulation of the mind or emotions to a high level of feeling or activity.
The condition of being so stimulated.
The Greek version defines it as: “God Breathed”.

When you get inspired, you get passionate about something, you actually might do something(action), thus God Breathed through you to inspire you to move forward. That’s just my opinion, I believe that God inspires a lot of people who never take action. Picture the heart attack victim who just got a second chance at life due in part to our medical technology. Do you think that person might be inspired to change his/her lifestyle to prevent a premature departure? I’ll bet most are, however some won’t. Some just don’t get God’s message.

Jim Rohn is so good at communicating this stuff too, it’s like the seasons: Spring, Summer, Fall, Winter. Business, Politics, and Life, fall into a sequence very similar. If you want to blame your current situation or attitude on business, politics, or the season, then know that the financial market will come around to change in the near future, so will the political parties, and my guess is that you will still be where you were prior to the change. The change must come within you. Everyone around you is experiencing the same thing you are, what they do about it that makes all of the difference.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

I am working really hard on that one for this winter. I chose to live where I live, now I need to learn to embrace the winter weather and enjoy it rather than bitch or complain about it. Which happens to be what almost everyone else does. Think about the attitude effect on people due to all of the negative comments about the weather, all day long, everyday, while the current conditions are perceived to be bad? I guess it give us something to complain about where most will agree. Sad.

In one of my past writings I talked about the book “The Ultimate Gift”. If you have not read it, read it. I just read “The Go-Giver” by Bob Burg & John David Mann. It is a must read for 2009. I will write more on that in the near future.

“If you change the way you look at things, the things you look at change.”

If you come to this blog to get inspiration, I hope what you find is that you are in control, not me. Find your passion, get inspired to do good things, LIVE a happy and prosperous life.

To your Abundance Attitude,

Steve Aune

Thursday, January 15, 2009

It's All About PASSION!

What are you passionate about? What gets you out of bed on those days where you are fired up and excited for what the day will bring? For some they know that this day will be fun and they will be doing something they love to do. I.E. fishing or hunting, skiing, camping, scrapbooking. Doesn't matter what it it, you simply love to do it. It makes you happy, brings you energy, brings you joy, adds value to your life. Maybe it is WHO you are enjoying the time with that brings you the most joy?

Let's ponder that for a few minutes. This reminds me of the "mid-life crisis" people have. I do not think it is a mid-life crisis as much as it is an AWAKENING! You wake up and say "is this all there is?" You think there has to be more to life than what you are experiencing. You see people experiencing an abundance of love and joy around you, yet you are stuck in a rut. I am no pschologist, and I am sure there are a bunch of reasons for these thoughts, however I do believe that a lot of people simply lost their passion somewhere and they need to figure out how to get it back.

I think most people have a wake up call at some point in their life. You finally find something or someone that gets you excited to live. Excited to learn. Excited to experience. Excited to serve. Excited to make a difference. Excited to age. Did I say AGE? A good friend of mine, Rich Palmer, once told me that he is excited to age. I thought whoa...not me. Then we talked further and he really put it into perspective for me. Aging is a right of passage. All the books, all the lessons, all the experiences, define who we are. Growing old is the reward for living. The better you live, the better the reward will be. I choose to LIVE a good LIFE.

Don't be the person at the end of your life wondering if you lived the right life you were supposed to live! What is your genius? What brings energy to your life? What can you get your arms around and say "I am passionate about this, I can make a difference."

Paul Conlin, founder of "Cars & Kids" here in Fargo, gave a presentation about why he started his nonprofit. You could feel the passion from his speech. He is SUPER committed to his mission. He is making a difference, and as he keeps moving forward, more and more people will be on board to support him and his mission. www.carsandkids.net

I say, "Get off your ASS and get passionate!" I am passionate about a lot of different things. Mostly as a role model. Everyday I get up and know that I lead by example everywhere I go. Everything I do, someone is watching, learning, critiquing, etc. I am not concerned about their opinion of me, as much as I am concerned about the impact I can have on their life somehow.
I read somewhere recently that this author recommended that you should go out of your way to provide kindness to at least 10 people a day. 10 a day! WOW! It is really not that hard to do if you think about how many small interactions you have throughout your day. The bigger picture is that by you being nice to them, they will be nice to the next person, and so on. Think about that...seriously, stop and think about the impact of that...

My biggest critiquers...my two boys. They sure absorb everything they see and hear. Whether I want them to or not. So why not let them hear the good and the not so good? It is the way to teach them good decision making skills. Teaches them that life is not all rosy every minute of every day. Teaches them that even when you are knocked down, you can still get up. Teaches them the value of being nice and the ever lasting impact that you can have on people.

I am passionate about my life. I am passionate about living and growing old. I am really passionate about the lives of others. Get out of bed everyday and be excited. Exercise your body, nourish your body, educate your body. Choose to have a super fantastic day. Surprisingly enough, you probably will.

Make it your mission to find out what you are passionate about. How can you find ways to serve others while doing it, and you will live your best life.

What are you waiting for?


Steve Aune

Wednesday, January 7, 2009


You ever wonder why so many people are so gung ho to start a new something one day, then it all falls apart after a short time? I certainly do, and I have been guilty of it countless times. I suppose I could blame it on ADD...I could blame it on our commercialized society...I could blame it on the busy lives we've created for ourselves...

In reality, I am the only one that can be held accountable for what I do. I attract, distract, and retract everything that happens. What I do about it is what creates the result.

You can get a bunch of new ideas from reading a book, magazine, meeting with people, listening, and meditating. However if you do not take action and be consistent, chances are your idea will be worthless. Thanks to Edd Goerger, a business coach I know, for enlightening me with his terminology.

How or why do we hold ourselves accountable for everything we do, for everything that happens, for all of it?
I suppose the obvious is: A belief that I am the only one responsible for everything that happens.
Someone would say, "how can I be responsible for that car running into me". I say, "how can you not...you were there." It is really tough for most people to get their arms around be help accountable for everything that happens. I believe that there is a significant lack in this area around the United States, and probably the world. Some cultures have definitely figured out how to hold people accountable, mostly by fear. Fear is an interesting topic to be discussed later.
If you fear something enough, you will definitely think twice about doing it.

Let's say that you do believe that you are held accountable for everything. You are a product of your environment. How to you make the right lifestyle changes, decisions, and hold yourself accountable to your decisions? You have find a reason WHY that is big enough for you to make the right choices. I have a big WHY in many areas of my life.

My WHY categories are: Family, Health, Spiritual, Financial, What I do, Service. What is really cool is how many interact with each other.

I know for me when I eat healthy, exercise and have fun, my family life is better, enjoy what I do better, I have more energy to give to others. Coincidence? I think not.

I was out playing hockey the a bunch of kids the other day and I was the only parent out there having fun mentoring and learning from the kids. It was a blast. So many parents just drop them off, let the rink be the mentor, and miss out on a ton of fun with kids. I remember the few times growing up when I really had fun with my parents, or others parents. I still remember those moments today. They definitely made a positive impact on me. Unfortunately there were not too many of those moments.

What is your WHY? It may take you years to figure that out. If you just allow yourself to live in the moment, meditate, do what you love to do, your WHY will jump out at you, just be ready to catch it.

Have an ABUNDANCE ATTITUDE toward every aspect of your life. Know that everyday you do make a difference in the lives of others. What kind of difference? Positive? Negative? Passive? Think about every interaction and how that will impact the people they will meet right after you.

To you Abundance!

Steve Aune

Friday, January 2, 2009

It's a New Year????

January 2nd, 2009.

Wow, it is amazing to me how fast the year 2000 came and went, now it it 2009. Someone once referenced to me that "life is like a roll of toilet paper, the closer to get to the end the faster it goes". Seems to be holding true.

What is really nice about aging is that I get more and more comfortable with me. I tend to look at aging as a blessing and a learning opportunity. I am getting better with age. I have not always thought that way though. In my twenties, (now in my forties) I wanted to stay young and youthful. Now I embrace my age while still staying youthful. I believe that I have to keep a young attitude towards keeping a young mind and physical body. Eat right, exercise, have fun playing, do the things that bring me the most joy. I love and charish the time to play with my kids. It is so much fun to act like a kid again and not have to think I am too grown up to do that. It is even better when Jenny gets in on the fun too. Memories we all will carry with us for a long time.

That brings me to 2009. How many people right now are thinking..."today I start my (fill in the blank) program or whatever. It will last about a month or so, then life will get in the way and they will revert back to their old programing. Don't think I am any better, I fall prey to this from time to time. Our habits and our old programming are what control us and until we take the time/discipline to let a lifestyle change take over, we will most likely revert back to our old programming.

The time required to make changes permanent are staggering. Take exercise for example. If your new thing for this year is to get in shape and you want to exercise more, then it will take about 6 months of continuous exercise before your body will be craving exercise and you will not be able to live without it. Think about that for a minute...6 months...doing it everyday whether you want to or not. Most people last about a month and then hit it sporadically and use the excuses to justify why they don't do it. Eat the apple, do the exercise, eat the living foods, live your best life. You have the time, we all do...what is your priority or intention?

I too have my intentions for 2009. I intend to improve myself everyday. I intend to make a difference in the lives of others. I intend to live my BEST LIFE.

"Earn as much as you can; Give as much as you can; Share as much as you can; Learn as much as you can; Get involved as much as you can; Experience as much as you can; Don't miss anything." Jim Rohn

Jim has taught me so much over the years. It's "ok" to go for it. What ever "IT" is. Do it for the right reason and the rest will work itself out. Your only limits are the ones you hold within yourself.

If you have not read or watched "The Ultimate Gift", please do so now. It should be a required read for everyone. We all have the Gift to serve others.

In 2009 I challenge you to have an ABUNDANCE ATTITUDE! Live abundantly, not in scarcity or ignorantly. Make positive changes in your daily habits to improve yourself. Don't let the excuses take over. You do have time if it is a priority. Imagine what you would do everyday if you absolutely knew what it would do for you in 20-30-40 years. Start today!

To your Abundance!

Steve Aune