Friday, December 26, 2008

How I Got Started

Here I am the day after Christmas, 2008, sitting at my desk and feeling very thankful for my family, my friends, my health and theirs, my contribution, and on and on. I have been looking for the inspiration to start a blog of my own. Well, today is the day! I will wait no more. Enough talk and more action. I preach that daily to the people I interact with, yet I could not get myself to start writing.

I started my first book about a year ago and guess where that is? You may have guessed it, still in start up phase. More to come on that later.

My inspiration to finally get started in my blog is that I truly believe that I will have a positive impact on someone, somewhere, that will make a positive change in their life. Why not me, why not now?

I have worked really hard on myself over the last 8 years. Jim Rohn taught me that and I try to live it everyday. Work harder on yourself than on your job! That is what Jim teaches. It is so true. It can be as easy as eating an apple a day, yet how many of us actually do that?

Part of my reason for writing is to communicate how I feel. Communicate what I believe helps me and could help thousands of others.

I have worked hard to find a balance in my life. A balance between:
Family; Spirituality; Health; Finances; What I Do; Fitness; Friends; Education; FUN!
Am I perfect, not even close, however I do know that it does not take much action in each area to make a positive impact. I just have to do something in each area consistently. That is what I call working harder on yourself.

I should make a difference...I could make a difference...I will make a difference. What ever that difference is, as long as I come from service, it will have a positive impact on others. Which set of word do you use? Should? Could? Do?

We are a product of our environment. Think about that for a few minutes. Really think and look around you.
*What are you surrounded by and how does that affect you?
*What do you do daily and how does that affect you?
How will it affect you in 10 years? 20 years? 30 years?
*Who do you spend your time with?
What do they have you thinking? Doing? Dreaming? Reading?
*What do you feed your mind with? Garbage in, garbage out.
*How much do you give? What you give is what you get.
You want happiness, give a ton of happiness and it will come back to you in abundance.
Service above self. Rotary International is really on to something with that.

So here I am writing my first blog...feels pretty good. How long will that last? I believe it will last until...

Time to head back home and take the family ice skating, then sledding to enjoy a day full of fun, laughter, exercise, and most of all SERVICE!

Abundance Attitude! It is your choice, so choose wisely.


Steve Aune